“it isn't writing at all - it's typing.”
- truman capote

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The age of the understatement

Blog in process, looks pretty homemade at the moment. CSS editing skills a bit rusty.

I don't like this blog voice I'm adopting. It seems a bit smarmy, and I'm sure if it was embodied in a person I'd punch it in the face. Or just mutter under my breath about how I'd like to. I don't know how to avoid it, though.

Do all bloggers adopt a voice? Is the fact that the internet has allowed every single one of them to voice an opinion the fact that they sound so smug? Are they naturally smug and as a result "proper" publishing mediums can filter them out?

I'm gonna continue with my theses on how other people should shut up but I have the right to my opinion. Smarmy or not.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

It's Like Naming a Band

Coming up with URL names is not for the weak. It's like naming a band.

No one is going to read your blog if it's called "I hate straight people". Actually, it probably will be. Just like how people still buy albums even if the band is called Short Stack. So really it shouldn't be an issue. But it is to me, 'cause I'm difficult.


Blogspot, or Blogger, seems like a suitable blogging platform. I joined a bunch of others but they just felt wrong. You need to feel a connection. It's like meeting your soulmate, you don't think it exists but moviemakers will tell you it's true (in this case, I'm telling you this connection with the internet is true) so you should believe it. I'm not telling you to believe moviemakers, though. those guys are whack.

And if you think petty euphemisms are for the weak, then get the hell off my blog.